Something New Every Day And Staff Is Consistent And Stable
“I was a daycare teacher at the company. I have many years of school to do this job and enjoyed it very much. A typical day at DLA would be to come in, prepare for the day’s activities, and make sure I was stocked with all the materials I needed to assist the children. Utilize the toys and time allowed to teach while playing with the young children.
I learned that every child and parent is different and reacts differently to different situations. The management there was great and understanding if I had any situations arise with my child or husband that were out of my control. The staff there has been there for a long time, so turnover was low.
My co-workers all helped each other out with everything from getting ready for naps to restroom breaks. The most enjoyable part of my job was seeing the progress the children had when they went to the next class or when their parents came in and told me their child had signed for more or had taken their first steps, or had said the name of one of their friends. I know I had a part in helping teach that child that skill.”