In Dublin Learning Academy’s Lil’ Dreamers Program, your toddler will begin to learn the basics of language arts, science, motor skills, emotions, and much more. We work closely with our Lil’ Dreamers to help them achieve appropriate milestones.
- Understands & follows one-step directions
- Recognizes & imitates animal sounds
- Imitates others with sounds & facial expressions
- Begins to express needs & wants with words and sign language
- Sits down to listen & participate in circle time
- Says 5-10 words
- Recognizes basic colors
- Recognizes basic shapes
- Explores senses through the use of sensory table and other activities
- Explores community helpers
- Explores animals and animal sounds
- Begins to know how to use coloring utensils
- Enjoys moving with direction to music
- Makes marks with a crayon on paper
- Gestures or points to indicate wants
- Walks as the main form of movement
- Push, pull & dump things
- Turns spoon to mouth
- Stacks blocks
- Walks without help
- Begins to understand right & wrong
- Adapts to new routines and changes
- Begins to understand feelings
- Forms meaningful relationships
- Separates from parents easily
- Picks toys up with little help
- Follows teacher direction
- Expresses physical needs